
GPS Coordinates for places in South Dalmatia

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Close to Komarna

N42 56.676 E17 32.027 - Komarna

N43 00.250 E17 28.800 - Blace

N42 58.400 E17 30.960 - Old Oil Mill in Raba

N42 57.029 E17 33.959 - Smrdan Grad Ruin

N42 57.301 E17 33.427 - Roman well

N42 57.338 E17 33.461 - Illyrian burial ground

N42 57.355 E17 33.431 - Parking for Illyrian burial ground

N42 57.386 E17 32.711 - Slivno Ravno

N42 57.653 E17 32.269 - Church of Sv. Liberate

N42 57.531 E17 32.357 - Parking for church of Sv. Liberate

N42 57.653 E17 32.269 - Sv. Liberate Church

N42 58.299 E17 30.480 - Raba Church

Short Excursions

N42 55.585 E17 37.906 - Border at Napoleon Road

N43 04.146 E17 25.432 - Turn for Bacina Lakes

N43 04.187 E17 24.875 - View of Bacina Lakes

N42 58.630 E17 29.580 - Kremena Beach

N42 55.463 E17 36.730 - Neum Beach

N43 00.798 E17 28.130 - Camp Rio Beach

Canoe and Rafting

N43 04.142 E17 41.422 - Canoe Safari start

Peljesac and Wine

N42.95.751 E17.51.496 - Terra Madre Vinery
N42.95.741 E17.53.135 - Rizman Vinery

N42 50.294 E17 41.821 - Ston

N42 50.792 E17 42.281 - Mali Ston

N42 53.902 E17 29.464 - Scenic view from main road to Orebic

N42 55.028 E17 28.052 - Beach bar with good oysters

N42 56.372 E17 22.566 - Scenic view from road

N42 56.386 E17 20.317 - Matusko Winery

N42 54.950 E17 24.280 - Grgic Winery

N43 00.573 E17 16.097 - Trpanj Ferry to Ploce

N43 03.030 E17 26.008 - Ploce Ferry to Trpanj

Neretva Delta trip

N43 00.798 E17 28.130 - Camp Rio Beach

N43 01.842 E17 36.335 - Kula Norinska

N43 02.080 E17 35.307 - Bagalovici Church

N43 02.775 E17 35.957 - Restaurant Lopoc

N43 03.030 E17 26.008 - Ploce Ferry

N43 03.246 E17 38.892 - Metkovic Market

N43 03.254 E17 38.749 - Metkovic shopping mall

N43 03.557 E17 39.454 - Metkovic Jure Shop

Mostar and Around

N43 03.683 E17 41.650 - Gabela Ruin

N43 05.559 E17 55.396 - Radimlja Stones

N43 05.960 E17 42.011 - Mogorjelo ruin and restaurant

N43 08.031 E17 43.846 - Pocitelj

N43 08.406 E17 34.809 - Stecici close to Kravica

N43 09.390 E17 36.458 - Kravica Waterfalls

N43 15.410 E17 54.150 - Dervish House

Hercegovina Trip

N43 12165 E17 39171 - Etno Selo

N43.158660 E17.608192 - Kravica Waterfalls parking lot
N43.249140 E17.452242 - Kocusa Waterfalls
N43.336187 E17.320975 - Ravlica Pecina (cave)

N43 05.559 E17 55.396 - Radimlja Necropolis

N43.103958 E17.927074 - Daorson Ruins

N42 57.017 E17 48.133 - Ruin near Hutovo

N42 59.343 E17 49.477 - Turn here (Hutovo)

N43 00.349 E17 48.321 - View of Hutovo Blato

N43 03.092 E17 41.960 - Turn here (Hutovo)

N43.182440 E17.529170 - Roman Camp in Humac

N43.184276 E17.534269 - Archaeological Museum

Mljet by Ferry

N42 48.780 E17 40.760 - Prapratno Ferry to Sobra on Mljet

N42 44.360 E17 37.270 - Sobra Ferry to Prapratno

Sarajevo by Train

N43 02.919 E17 25.985 - Ploce Railway Station

N43 03.210 E17 39.170 - Metkovic Railway Station

Other places

N43 18.910 E17 00.259 - Makarska, pray here for a safe journey

N43 30.954 E16 55.629 - Stecici on the high road from Split to Makarska

Copyright: Komarna Rejser - tel. +45 23495880